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Application dossiers should be bound in hard cover binders.
Information required includes:
1. Three (3) copies of the original label for each package size to be imported (not photocopies).
2. Completed application FORM 3 and Checklist to Verify Application Completeness – Re-registration
3. A Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on the product
4. Details regarding the uses of the pesticide. Specify the crops/pests to be covered. State the common and scientific names (where possible). 5. A confidential statement of composition listing all active and inert ingredients and the percentage concentration of each. 6. An assay of a recent batch of the product analysed
7. The prescribed application fee of seven thousand five hundred Jamaican dollars ($7,500.00) is to be made payable to the Pesticides Control Authority and is due upon acceptance of a completed application.
Other information that may be required includes:
8. Detailed literature with regard to the chemistry and composition of the product (including percentages of all ingredients). 9. A duly authenticated and legalised certificate of free sale from the competent authority with whom the product is registered in the country of origin, and the conditions under which it may be sold in that country, also a copy of the label stamped as being approved by that Authority.
10. An analytical standard for the active ingredient(s).
Dossiers are to be submitted in triplicate (separate folios/binders). The Pesticides Control Authority reserves the right to request additional information. |