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How to Register Pesticides with Normal Requirements
How to Register Pesticides with less Stringent Requirements
Requirements for Re-registration of Pesticides
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These requirements apply only to adjuvants, pheromones and parasitoids.

The following types of pesticides will attract reduced requirements for registration:

  1. Any product or substance that is manufactured, represented, sold or used as a means of directly or indirectly attracting or repelling any pest.

  2. This includes any compound or substance that enhances or modifies or is intended to enhance or modify the physical or chemical characteristic of a pesticide to which it is added.

For such pesticides the active ingredient must have a toxicity level classified above the World Health Organisation (WHO) Class III category.

The requirements for registration of these pesticides include:

  1. A completed application form (Form 1)
  2. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
  3. Label (6 copies) (not photocopies). 
  4. Name and Address of the manufacturer
  5. Complete statement of composition
  6. Chemical and Physical properties of the active ingredient.
  7. Package sizes to be imported
  8. A statement specifying:
    1. The crops/pests to be covered. State common and scientific names where possible.
    2. The application rates (dosage), the re-entry and pre-harvest periods where applicable.
    3. Whether the crops will be exported and the destination. State whether tolerance and/or MRL`s exist for these export crops.  State whether there are tolerance/MRL`s for   targeted crop or for other crops.
    4. Persistence of the pesticide in/on the targeted crops.
  9. The prescribed application fee of ten thousand Jamaican dollars ($10,000.00) made payable to the Pesticides Control Authority.

The Pesticides Control Authority reserves the right to request additional information.


Application Form 1 to be completed by Registrant
Applicant should be a Jamaican National or a company registered in Jamaica.
Application submitted to Registrar`s office and checked for completion
Only completed applications will be accepted.
Incomplete documents
returned to registrant
Upon acceptance of application, a fee of $10,000 is to be paid to the Ministry of Health cashier on the ground floor of the Oceana Complex.
Only cash or manager`s cheques will be accepted. Cheques should be made payable to P.C.A. Reciept of payment to be returned to the Registrar`s office.

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